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The Golf Cart Blog

The Golf Cart Blog is collection of informative articles focused on bringing you the latest and greatest tips, tricks and latest EV Cart innovations you need to know about to make your ownership experience the best it can be.

Our Golf Cart Blog presents you with interesting and informative articles featuring the latest updates, innovations, tips, tricks and reviews on all things related to EV Carts that you need to know about.

We are Golf Cart owners too. We are committed to a non-stop journey to continually seek ways to make Golf Cart and EV Cart ownership an enjoyable and rewarding experience.

When you want the best price on a new EV Cart, look for our ‘Bright Price’ and be confident you are paying the lowest possible price for the same in-stock EV Carts – anywhere.

Whether you are looking to buy your first EV Cart, or if you are a new owner or a long time owner of EV Carts, we’re confident that you will find value in the EV Cart articles we publish here.

When you are ready to experience the one of a kind Fun & Freedom you can only experience with having a Golf Cart in your Life – see our ‘Bright Price’ on all 2024 Venom Electric Vehicles, Tomberlin Electric Vehicles and Evolution Electric Vehicles.

To reach one of our experienced Customer Service Team Members, please call: 888.260.0707 or Email us.

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LSV Requirements

NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration) issued a mandate that requires hybrids and electric vehicles travelling at less than 18.6 mph (30 km/h) to emit warning sounds that pedestrians must be able to hear over background noises- The regulation requires full compliance in all electric vehicles, including LSVs. Because of the quietness of electric vehicles and the possibility of collision with visually or audibly impaired pedestrians, the overall objective is to facilitate proximity awareness and minimize the chance of personal injury. In summary, an LSV (legally licensed to drive on streets up to 25 mph> must emit a sound when the forward or reverse switch is in the:

Forward position:

  • From 0 MPH to 18.6 mph.The sound is allowed to stop once the vehicle exceeds 18.6 mph.

Reverse position:
In order to comply with NHTSA rules, all LSV vehicles have a Pedestrian Alert sound generator installed.

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If you need to contact us immediately, please call: 888-260-0707.

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